

These general terms and conditions of sale are intended for use in booking stays at the bed and breakfast ‘Le Grand Trianon’, Lieu-dit Lugeastre Bas, 43440 Saint Didier sur Doulon, France. They constitute the booking contract between ‘Le Grand Trianon’ and the customer for a stay in a guest room.

Article 1 - Length of stay: The customer rents one or more rooms for a fixed period and may not under any circumstances take advantage of any right to remain in the premises afterwards.

Article 2 - Prices : The prices indicated on the www.legrandtrianon.fr website or communicated by telephone or e-mail are the only contractual prices.

Article 3 - Validation of a reservation: Reservations are made by e-mail or telephone. The booking is considered firm only after receipt of the deposit, which is deductible from the invoice. The deposit must be paid at the time of booking.

The amount of the deposit is 30% of the total price of the stay, with a minimum of €30.

The deposit can be paid :
- by cheque (payable to ‘Janssen, Le Grand Trianon’)
- by bank transfer

The payment of a deposit implies acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale.

As soon as the deposit has been received and cleared, you receive an e-mail or SMS confirming receipt.

If the customer wishes, a booking contract can be sent by post or e-mail.
Article 4 - Cancellation by the customer: All cancellations must be notified by letter or e-mail to ‘Le Grand Trianon’.

- If the cancellation is made more than 3 weeks before the start of the stay, the deposit will be returned to the customer.

- If the cancellation is made less than 3 weeks before the start of the stay, the deposit remains the property of ‘Le Grand Trianon’, which reserves the right to claim the balance of the price of the accommodation.

- If the customer does not show up before 10 p.m. on the day scheduled for the start of the stay, ‘Le Grand Trianon’ reserves the right to dispose of its guest rooms. The deposit remains the property of ‘Le Grand Trianon’ who reserve the right to claim the balance of the price of the accommodation.

- In the event of a shortened stay, the price corresponding to the cost of the accommodation shall be retained in full by ‘Le Grand Trianon’. Any additional services consumed will be payable to ‘Le Grand Trianon’.

Article 5 - Cancellation by ‘Le Grand Trianon’: If before the beginning of the stay, ‘Le Grand Trianon’ cancels the stay, for reasons beyond their control, they must inform the customer as soon as possible by phone or email. The sums paid will be reimbursed immediately.

Article 6 - Arrival time: The customer must arrive on the day specified at the time of booking and at the times indicated below. Rooms are available from 4pm. Please let us know if you arrive after 8pm.
Article 7 - Check-out time: Rooms must be vacated by 10am. After 12 noon, an additional night will be charged.

Article 8 - Payment of the balance of the accommodation : The balance of the stay must be paid on arrival. The balance can be paid :
- In cash
- By credit card
- Cheques and holiday vouchers

Any additional services provided must be paid before departure.

Article 9 - Tourist tax : The municipality of Saint Didier sur Doulon applies a tourist tax which must be paid by the customer at the end of the stay in accordance with the procedures in force.

Article 10 - Change of rooms: Without the customer being able to claim any compensation, ‘Le Grand Trianon’ reserves the right to change the room initially booked by the customer for a room of the same or greater capacity. In such a case, the cost of the reservation remains unchanged.

Article 11 - Capacity: Reservations are made for a specific number of people. If, on the day of arrival, the number of occupants exceeds this number, ‘Le Grand Trianon’ may refuse to accept the additional persons. This refusal can in no way be considered as a modification or a breach of contract at the initiative of ‘Le Grand Trianon’ so that in the event of departure of a number of people greater than those refused, no refund can be considered.
Article 12 - Breakfast: Breakfast is served between 8.00 am and 9.30 am.
(Or at a time agreed with guests the day before).

Article 13 - Pets are not allowed.

Article 14 - Art of living, use of the premises: All guests are asked to respect a certain art of living in order to guarantee the tranquillity of the premises and the comfort of its guests. In addition, ‘Le Grand Trianon’ is an entirely non-smoking area inside. Guests are also asked not to eat in their rooms.

The customer undertakes to respect the rules of good manners set out in the rooms and in these general terms and conditions of sale. The customer undertakes to return the rooms in perfect condition at the end of the stay and to declare, and assume financially, any damage for which he/she may be responsible.

Children staying at ‘Le Grand Trianon’ are the sole responsibility of their parents.

Article 15 - Data protection: In accordance with the law of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any data concerning you. ‘Le Grand Trianon’ undertakes not to pass on the information you have provided to other companies or organisations.

These conditions of sale may be modified at any time without prior notice. Acceptance of and compliance with these general terms and conditions of sale are deemed to have been accepted as soon as the deposit has been paid.
We comply with the General Regulation on Personal Data (RGDP).
The information collected on the contact form is recorded in a file used by Abricode to manage our customers.
- It is kept :
o For 1 year.
o Your email address may be used to send you information.
o Your telephone number may be used by telephone assistance, the accounts department or in response to your request. Under no circumstances will it be resold to third parties or used for telephone marketeers.
o See ‘ARTICLE 19 - PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA’ of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale when using the Manava SAAS.
- They are stored on the servers of the company OVH in France, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.
- You may exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting Isabelle Martin on +33.972130340 or by e-mail at contact@abricode.fr


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We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The information collected on the contact form is included in a file that Abricode uses to manage our customers.
- It is kept :
o For 1 year.
o Your e-mail address may be used to send you information.
o Your telephone number may be used by telephone assistance, accounting or in response to your query. Under no circumstances will it be resold to third parties or used for telephone marketing.
o See ‘ARTICLE 19 - PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA’ of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale when using Manava SAAS.
- They are stored on the servers of the company OVH in France, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.
- You may exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting Isabelle Martin on +33.972130340 or by e-mail at contact@abricode.fr.

Isabelle MARTIN contact : contact@abricode.fr
Ce site est hébergé chez OVH SAS au capital de 10 000 000 €
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.


Lugeastre Bas Saint-Didier-sur-Doulon

© 2025, Le Grand Trianon site réalisé par Manava